Saffron & Mint Face Wash

Click here for a full video on the benefits of our Saffron & Mint Face Wash!
You may have heard the exciting news: the Reshma Beauty® product family has grown by 12 new products! In the upcoming weeks, we are excited to tell you all about each and every one of them. Today, we will cover the Saffron & Mint Face Wash. The unique benefits of these two natural herbs make this deep cleansing face wash perfect for many skin types, but in particular for oily and acne-prone skin.
Saffron is a multi-benefit herb that deserves a due place in many facets of our lives. Indeed, while Saffron has always been a coveted ingredient in many kitchens across the globe – from Indian and Persian traditional cuisines to Spanish paellas - it has many health and beauty benefits as well. Cleopatra used to take saffron-infused baths. Alexander the Great favored it as a medicine for his battle wounds as much as in his tea.
This spice comes from the saffron crocus flower. Its value lies in the red filaments in the center of the flower. It’s these bright-red “threads” that give saffron its unique, astringent taste, aroma and health benefits. The fresh flowers are harvested and the filaments are immediately extracted, dried and put in airtight container to preserve their freshness.
To extract 1 pound of saffron, it takes about 50,000 – 75,000 flowers and 80- 120 hours of labor, equal to about two to three work weeks. This time-consuming process is part of the reason why saffron is esteemed as a luxurious herb. But of course its high price also comes in due part to the benefits it provides.
The Reshma Beauty® Saffron and Mint Face Wash uses the natural extract of Saffron collected from Indian farms. Let’s look at the benefits that this wonder herb brings.
Oily skin creates a more favorable living and breeding environment for bacteria, which in turn increases skin inflammation and acne growth. Saffron helps decrease the levels of bacteria on your skin, helping it re-balance itself and leaving your skin pure and refreshed.
Healthy blood circulation helps your body allocate the necessary vitamins and amino acids properly. When your skin is receiving all the nutrients it needs, this will result in more balanced and controlled oil secretion, as well as a healthier, brighter-looking complexion.
Both cystic acne and acne vulgaris can be physically painful to touch. Saffron has analgesic, or pain-relieving, properties. This helps soothe extremely sensitive skin, so that you are able to go on about your day with less stress.
Saffron has long been used in traditional Eastern medicine to treat signs of depression, due to its mood stabilizing properties. Whether used day or night, the Saffron extract in this face wash will help balance and lighten your mood.MINT FOR YOUR SKIN?
Mint is renowned for its delicious refreshing taste and smell. It is also great at soothing mild stomach discomforts. But it surely has benefits for your pretty face too.
Mint contains natural salicylic acid, which works to break down the connections in the “stiff” outer layers of your skin. This means deeper cleansing and exfoliation, especially for surface pimples such as whiteheads or blackheads.INVIGORATE YOUR SKIN
Just like minty freshness for your breath, mint extract will have a refreshing effect on your skin. The invigorating mint extract will help “wake up” your skin in the morning, and relieve fatigue after a long day.SOOTHE & REDUCE IRRITATION
Mint naturally helps reduce swelling and itchiness. Its properties will work well to reduce signs of water retention like puffiness and “baggy” under-eye area, while also helping soothe itchy, flaky skin.THE SOOTHING & BRIGHTENING COMB
The natural Saffron and Mint extracts in this Face Wash will work in tandem to:
- deep cleanse and exfoliate
- help prevent the spread of harmful bacteria
- soothe and relieve irritated skin
- help stabilize oil secretion
- leave your face with a healthy-looking, even tone
HOW TO USE: Apply a dime-size amount to your face, massage gently in circular motion and rinse off with warm water. Pat dry gently with a soft towel. Use this face wash daily for best results.