Fall Into Autumn Skincare

Changing Season Asks For Changes In Skincare & Hair Care Routine

With fall just around the corner, it's time to switch the conversation to all things skin and body care. Autumn is sweater weather, one that is loved by all, but with the drop in humidity comes dry skin and other problems like eczema and itchy skin. With summer fading away, it's time to plan for a new skincare and hair care routine.

Rid Yourself of Skin Freak-outs and Dryness This Autumn

Cream & Lotion

Lightweight moisturizers will not do for your dry skin this fall; you will need a dose of hefty hydration that you can get from Reshma Beauty® Turmeric Lotion and Turmeric Cream. The moisturizing and healing properties of turmeric will serve as a support system for your dry skin, preventing it from irritation, dryness, and even eczema. With chill weather upon us, hydration is well needed; just like you layer clothes every fall, start layering hydration too.

Cut Back On Exfoliation, Try Deep Hydration

Honey Peel Off Mask

With the weather getting colder, it's always a good idea to cut back on skin practices like exfoliation. Instead, look for ways to deeply hydrate your skin. Reshma Beauty® Honey Peel Off Mask will hydrate and cleanse your skin without stripping skin moisture. The nourishment and hydration of honey will cleanse your skin while soothing the irritation caused by skin dryness.

Fall  Hair Care

Fall brings the excitement of rosy cheeks and warm comfort; the weather is loved by many, including us at Reshma Beauty®. Fall brings happiness, but at the same time, the season of cold also brings confusion for your hair. Your hair needs all the right care and nourishment to combat harsh weather conditions.  

Deep Conditioning Hair Mask

It's vital for you to add nourishing hair masks to your hair care routine. Reshma Beauty® Deep Conditioning Hair Mask is all your hair will need. The hair mask is deeply moisturizing and hydrating, working wonders on damaged, dry, and chemically processed hair.

Shampoo Conditioner

Henna Infused Hair Serum

Switch your shampoo and conditioner to a natural and less harsh option like Reshma Beauty® Henna Shampoo and Henna Conditioner whose Henna ingredients are organically sourced and naturally hydrating. Finish off well with our Henna-Infused Hair Serum that helps bind hair keratin and aids the process of hair repair from root to tip. 

Henna Oil Deep Conditioning For Hair and Skin

Henna Oil Deep Conditioning Treatment for Hair Skin

Henna Oil by Reshma Beauty® works as a deep-conditioning treatment for hair and skin. The oil adds volume to the hair and soothes irritated and inflamed skin.  

Reshma Beauty® Wishes A Happy Season Shift For Your Hair And Your Skin!