Face Mask

Weekends Are for Pamper Sessions

After a long and tiring work week, all you need to do is to treat yourself to an at-home pamper treatment, and Reshma Beauty® is here to give your skin that much-needed glow and nourishment.

Mask Up for Rejuvenation

Grab a face mask this weekend and start the pamper session. Why should I use a face mask, you ask? Well, face masks are super beneficial for your skin such as nourishing and rejuvenating the skin deeply by providing all the necessary nutrients to the skin.

Know Your Face Mask

We know that it's always confusing to choose the right face mask according to the need of your skin. So, to make it all easier for you, Reshma Beauty has curated a quick guide which will help you to pick the best face mask for your weekend pamper session.

Peel Off Face Masks


Peel-off face masks are the right choice if you are looking for deep cleansing as peel-off masks cleanse and tighten pores by extracting the dirt and buildup that clogs pores from deep. Reshma Beauty® Honey Peel Off Mask will nourish your skin by repairing the skin damage and moisturize the skin by locking moisture. The nutrient-dense elements of Kale in Kale Peel Off Mask will repair and rejuvenate skin by giving the skin a glowy and dewy feel. The mask is rich in Vitamin A, B, C, and K, making them the right pick for your skin.

Clay Face Masks


Fuller's Earth Face and Body Mask and Turmeric Face and Body Mask by Reshma Beauty® are excellent clay face masks if you want to reduce hyperpigmentation and boost the natural glow of your skin. Our face masks are natural based, making them safe for your skin. Multani Mitti - Fuller's Earth Mask is a good pick for those with oily and sun-damaged skin as Multani Mitti soaks all the excess oil from the skin and reduces the appearance of dark spots as it is rich in magnesium.

Our Turmeric Face and Body Mask, on the other hand, is an ideal choice for those with dry skin, as turmeric and sandalwood are great exfoliators and moisturizers. Apply once a week for problem-free, dewy soft, and glowing skin.

Treat Yourself This Weekend by Pampering Yourself with Reshma Beauty®